Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The day the president came to the school.

Ok Ok he wasn't the president, but he was close. Right?  That should count. 
It all started in August and early September when my students noticed a change in the school cafeteria food.  They complained about being hungry and not getting enough to eat.  I was tired of hearing them complain so I printed off some of the regulations for them to read and maybe then understand why they were not getting very much food.  After digging through the piles of regulations we decided, as a class, to do something about it.  We talked with a few people around school, and it was suggested to complain to our local congressman about it.  Well just complaining was not enough for us.  The students created an entire presentation informing the congressman, and anyone that would listen, about the problem.  I sent the congressman an email inviting him to come and listen to what the students had to say and to eat lunch with us in the cafeteria.  Well, he did just that.  We even had the local newspaper, The Standard Times (San Angelo's paper), and KLST (San Angelo's newstation) there.  The students did an awesome job, Congressman Conaway was very kind and receptive, and the news' crews were wonderful with the students.  It was a great day.  I am definitely one proud teacher.  The day the president (congressman) came to school was one of the highlights of my teaching career. 

Here is the link to the news report from KLST.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Corban's First Christmas

Corey and I kept telling each other that this was our favorite Christmas so far, and it was.  Having a little one changes so much, including how we celebrate holidays.  We put a lot of thought into how we want Christmas to be for Corban and our family as he is growing up.  We talked a lot about family traditions that we wanted to start for our family.  So here are a few that we have started and some others that we know we will do in the future.

Christmas Eve presents of pajamas.

Reading from the bible about Jesus' birth.

3 gifts from us and his stocking- this year he got a book, a toy, and clothes.
We had a birthday party for Jesus.
Corban also got his first ornament to put on the Christmas tree. 

We also made cookies on Christmas and took it to everyone in town that was working.  There are a few other traditions that we will start once he gets older.
* Donating old toys
* Hiding pieces of the nativity and once he finds the shephards then we will read that part of the Christmas story etc.
*Creating Advent activities for the first 25 days of December
We had fun and Corban had fun hanging out with family and getting to spend more time with me, since I was off from school.