Saturday, April 13, 2013


Sorry I've been MIA for over a month.  I had one-act play and UIL competition this last month and when it was over with I just wanted to rest. 

Corban is no longer just taking a few steps.  He is walking all over the place and trying to run.  He has had a few extra bumps and bruises because he wants to go, go, go.  He loves to play chase and peek-a-boo. 

Holidays are always very busy and filled with activities as our house.  We always have get-togethers with family and church.   The Saturday before Easter we had a big Extravaganza with the church at the park: bounce houses, hot dogs, games, and lots of eggs.  Easter is our holiday to host Corey's family.  On Sunday we were in charge of the meal and an egg hunt at our house for the family.  Corban had a blast and loved picking up eggs and sticking them in his mouth.  He didn't care what was in them and didn't even want what was in them. 

We has a great Easter and had fun celebrating with our friends and family the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.